Have you ever thought about how air conditioning and heating maintenance affects your home? Not only does if affect comfort, but also the air quality. Season by season, you’ll want to ensure your HVAC system is ready to handle all weather conditions to provide you comfort.

Proper AC and heating maintenance are also important in energy efficiency and longevity of your system. Read more to understand the advantages of preventative maintenance on your homes A/C and heating system.

✅Improved Energy Efficiency: With regular air conditioning and heating maintenance, you’re enhancing the system allowing it to not run so hard and at long periods of time. Having the system maintained ensures it will run with improved energy efficiency all summer and winter long.

✅ Better Air Quality: Air conditioning and heating maintenance plays a role in ensuring there is clean air circulating throughout the home. If there are clogged filters, dirty ducts, and other ignored components of the system, your health is at risk. Dust, allergens, pet dander, and mold can buildup.

✅ Less Breakdowns: Properly maintaining the HVAC system, especially during the summer here in Arizona, reduces the likelihood for failure. During the maintenance appointment, you have the opportunity to take the steps in moving forward with the repairs and cleanings to avoid future breakdowns.

✅ Increased Lifespan: Routine maintenance extends the lifespan of the HVAC system by catching and fixing the problem before it becomes an expensive issue. Yearly service checks, by a licensed, certified, and trained professional, are investments in the longevity of your air conditioning and heating system.

✅ Comfort: We all enjoy the feeling of walking into our front door after a long day to be in the comfort of our own home. Properly maintaining the HVAC system all season long, ensures your home remains comfortable.

✅ Protects the Warranty: By manufacturer protocol, there is a requirement maintenance must be done to guarantee the warranty. If the system fails due to lack of maintenance, the manufacturer will not cover the part leaving you with costly repairs.

Get the peace of mind knowing your system is being properly maintained when you call Pro Solutions Air! We offer maintenance memberships that will keep the system to manufacturer standards and your home comfortable all year long. With our memberships, you’ll also receive discounts and additional savings! 💰

Our experienced and knowledgeable technicians are looking forward to servicing your air conditioning and heating system!