For homeowners in Arizona, it’s important to get to know your homes air conditioning system. In a state known for it’s intense heat, you’ll want to ensure your air conditioner doesn’t fail during the summer and if it does, what to do.

In this blog you’ll learn how the system operates, maintenance tips, and what problems can occur.

How does an air conditioning system work?:

An air conditioning system has 5 main components that work together to cool your home; the compressor, condenser, expansion valve, evaporator, and blower. Let’s go further into what each component is and how it affects the AC system.

  1. Compressor: The compressor is essentially the “heart” of your air conditioning system. It is located in the outdoor unit known as the condenser. When the thermostat communicates to the system to turn on, the compressor begins to pull in refrigerant, a low-temperature, low-pressure gas form. Prior to it being released to the condenser coil, the refrigerant gets compressed to a higher temperature and pressure.
  2. Condenser: Also located on the outdoor unit, is the condenser coil. This is the portion of the unit that has a piping arrangement of small fins. After escaping the compressor, the refrigerant goes through the coil. The fan pulls outside air across the coil, removing heat from the refrigerant with assistance from the fins. The refrigerant is then converted back into a high-pressure liquid.
  3. Expansion Valve: The expansion valve is intended to control the conversion and amount of refrigerant passed through the indoor coil. This valve has a small orifice that creates pressure reduction as the high-pressure liquid refrigerant gets pushed through. Expanding to a liquid/vapor mix, the refrigerant enters the evaporator coil.
  4. Evaporator: The evaporator involves a pattern of piping that creates an additional coil the refrigerant passes through and consumes the heat from the air passing over it, lowering the temperature of the air. This cool air is then dispersed through the ductwork, out of the vents, and into the home. This process continues as the refrigerant gets back to the compressor to keep the desired temperature in the home.
  5. Blower: The blower is responsible for pulling warm air through the air filter. That warm air is pushed over the indoor coil by the blower to be dispersed throughout the house.

Home AC Maintenance Tips:

Having your air conditioning system properly maintained is crucial in prolonging the life of the system and ensuring you’re comfortable all summer long. Here are ways you can maintained your HVAC system:

  1. Regular Filter Change: Routine filter changes is the most important step in maintaining your air conditioning system. It is highly recommended to change the ac filters EVERY 30 DAYS, especially here in the desert of Phoenix, Arizona. A clogged and dirty filter obstructs airflow and extremely reduces the system’s efficiency.
  2. Get the Coils Cleaned: Maintaining clean filters aids in keeping the evaporator coil from soiling quickly. However, overtime, dirt still accumulates on the evap coil. The accumulated dirt reduces airflow and insulates the coil. When the coil is insulated by so much dirt and debris, its ability to absorb heat is reduced. Not only do you have your indoor coil, but there is also a coil on your outdoor equipment. Those can become extremely dirty especially during monsoon season.
  3. Bent Coil Fins: On the evaporator and condenser, the aluminum fins on their coils can be easily bent. When there are bent fins, it can cause reduced airflow. An experienced technician can use a tool to straighten out the fins.
  4. Clear the Drain Line: Occasionally have your condensate drain line cleared by using a stiff wire or calling in an HVAC technician. When the drain lines are clogged, it prevents the unit from lowering the humidity.
  5. Schedule An Inspection: Call a trusted and local HVAC company to perform a maintenance on your air conditioning system. They will go through the system and bring any concerns to your attention.

Don’t have a trusted HVAC contractor already? That’s okay! Pro Solutions Air is here for all your air conditioning and heating needs. Whether you just need an inspection or something as serious as an ac repair, we’ve got you covered. Give us a call to schedule your A/C inspection!
