We are ready for the hot weather! Enjoying a cocktail while floating and tanning in the pool is one of our favorite summer activities. As an Arizonian, you know that one day a week you get to do that doesn’t always feel 100% when you’re mentally trying to process the electric bill payment you just made. But hey, at least you’re floating your sorrows away… 

Unless, you do something about it! Your APS or SRP bill doesn’t have to be insanely high. There are ways to cool your home down without having to use so much electricity. I’m sure your air conditioning system would also appreciate it!  

Tips to follow to save yourself some money this summer… 

Close the blinds and/or curtains 

Hotel manager adjusting curtains in the room

Turn on all ceiling fans  

Ceiling fan is rotating at the ceiling of the room. Electric climate equipment.

Set your thermostat above 75 

Verify nothing is obstructing your vents

Change filters every 30 days or sooner  

We hope these simple tips make a difference for you on your energy bill. If your system needs repairs or replacement, we can help with that too. Pro Solutions Air has the finest technicians and install crew dedicated to keeping you cool.  

Looking for a maintenance program? Ask one of our representatives about our Bi-Annual Maintenance Plan!  


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